What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle
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Custody Battle is tense and emotional which is why many parents become frustrated and do not behave well. 

It is crucial that you do not engage in any unpleasant behavior that can go against you during custody. It is crucial to take into account certain factors that can lead to successful custody.

On the other hand, judges pay attention to how parents behave and prioritize a child’s best interests, so it is wise to act professionally as it can make or break your stance.

But, there are certain things that can be used against you in a custody battle and to avoid any uncertain situation you should always consult your lawyer.

What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle
What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle

See also: Can I Get Full Custody if the Father is in Jail

What Can Be Used Against You In A Custody Battle?

Make sure to avoid the below-mentioned factors as they are What Can Be Used Against You In A Custody Battle.

Not Contributing to Child’s Support

Parents should demonstrate their financial stability for child support, if they fail to do so, it indicates that they are financially unstable.

The judge considers the parent who is paying child support and continuously keeping up with the payments under the parenting plan approved by the court.

But, if a parent falls behind then it is what can be used against you in a custody battle. It is wise to consult a lawyer as they can guide you regarding the best course of action and make the court believe that you are stable and able to provide for your child.

Verbal Abuse

It is advised not to scream at your child or partner as it can be used against you in a custody battle. But, in case you lose your temper, leave the room and gather your thoughts because strong language or yelling suggests that your frustrations are out of your control.

It is preferred to avoid any circumstance that affects your custody battle because you can be blamed for any escalation even if you were not the one to initiate the argument.

Parental Alienation

Criticizing the other parent in front of the child and keeping him away can affect your case and this is also what can be used against you in a custody battle.

Judges never tolerate such behavior since it harms the child and he begins to feel disdain. Make sure you never indulge in parental alienation as it can weaken your case.

Not Allowing Child to Contact the Other Parent

It is legally prohibited to refuse your child to have contact with the other parent even if you both disagree with each other. If the other parent has legal visitation right from the court then you can not stand in their way.

But, if you do so the judge will reevaluate your custody battle and placement arrangement. In such a case, the outcome will not be favorable thus your contact and visitation will be reduced. 

Not Compromising 

During child custody battles, it is important to compromise at all times to make sure everything is set according to the child’s best interests. The parents can come to a choice that prevents a legal dispute from rising.

Compromise is encouraged by the judge as it promotes the child’s mental and emotional well-being. Other than that, it eliminates custody conflicts and once the matter is resolved, everyone can adjust according to the situation.

Forcing a New Partner

Children feel uncomfortable when you impose a new partner because of the disruption in their family.

Make sure to keep your new partner and kids apart until the custody dispute settles as it can be used against you in a custody battle. 

Prepare your child mentally before you introduce them to your new spouse and be considerate of the time it takes to adjust, comprehend, and deal with the change.


Keep in mind to never argue with your partner in front of the child or anybody else because it is what can be used against you in a custody battle. In some unfortunate circumstances, where a witness who overhears your arguments, can testify against you in court.

Any action you do can be used to persuade the judge that you are irresponsible, have problems controlling your anger, or often argue in front of your children, even if you think the disagreement wasn’t serious.

Not Following Court Orders

During the child custody battle, if you disobey court orders and do not follow them seriously, it can affect your position. The judge believes that you disobey the rules established by those laws to safeguard your child’s best interests.

You should remember to pay alimony or child support on time if the court orders and if you are unable to complete the task, you are in contempt of court.

Other than that, if you want to shift to make your case strong, abide by the court’s orders. Prioritize the payments and take extra care of your child. The court will believe that you are committed to your child and you are capable of raising your children.


During a custody battle, the judge considers the best interests of the children while determining the custody. The court evaluates every situation, from child placement, parenting time, and visitation, to their best interests.

It is essential to maintain a strong and firm composure despite the circumstances. Judges pay attention to how parents behave and if they prioritize their children above everything. To avoid any unfavorable conditions, act professionally to have a stronghold on your case.


Why do you need to compromise with your partner?

Compromising with the other partner is essential for your child’s mental and emotional well-being. It is wise to take into account a child’s best interests so they can have a normal future.

Does introducing a new partner affect your child?

Yes, introducing your new partner suddenly can affect the child because he is already going through a lot. Make sure you prepare your children before making any move.

What factors decide a child’s custody?

There are several factors a court considers before a child’s custody to make sure everything lies according to their standards such as financial stability, living condition, addiction, and relationships.

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